South Carolina based artist, Sidney Brusse, has had a passion for art since she was a child. Brusse had considered art an avid hobby before deciding to pursue a fine arts degree at Clemson University. It was there where her childhood curiosity returned, creating a nostalgic influence throughout her work as a student. After schooling in multiple mediums and freelance painting, Brusse chose an emphasis in photography.

It was through photography where she truly feels creative freedom - seeing the world through her own lens. Though she mainly works digitally, Brusse also works with her own photographs as well as recovered film scans taken by family members throughout the past decades. While accumulating a large library of photographs from her and her family’s past, present, and future, Sidney has began to collage these unique memories together, creating a world where lives cross paths - making those people and places and memories who are far away, feel close.

follow @SBRUSSEART to keep up with current projects.